Discover the timeless sophistication of premium wooden flooring in Hong Kong
As the exclusive Hong Kong and Macau agent for BOEN, Adler, Mafi and STP, Equal Limited works with the best wooden flooring manufacturers in Europe. At Equal, we take extra steps in making sure all of our wooden floorings are safe for our customers. All of our floorings are free of harmful substance and are certified of E1 emission standard. With so many different types of woods and designs alongside a plethora of reference projects for you to look through, we can help connect you with the right flooring manufacturers.
卓譽建材工程有限公司一直在香港和澳門一些最負盛名的發展項目中供應和安裝不同的地板。 從產品供應到售後服務,我們對提供最佳地板解決方案。
我們為客戶提供了正確的解決方案,同時在預算、裝飾和功能方面實現了完美的平衡。 我們有信心完成超越客戶的期望並提供卓越的體驗。
通過與歐洲最好的地板製造商合作,我們種類繁多的地板是建築師/設計師打造優質裝飾性和功能性主題的理想選擇。 我們的產品專家通過符合 LEED 和 BEAM Plus 標準的綠色產品,收集了創新材料,並實踐了環境管理。